Chris Mould
Chief Executive
I have over thirty years’ experience developing and leading organisations in the public and voluntary sector. I am passionate about social justice and never happier at work than when I am in some way or other involved in trying to build a better world now. I spent the last 10 years working with the Shaftesbury Partnership and leading The Trussell Trust, as we created and developed the UK Foodbank Network.
It was through the Trussell Trust in 2005 that I first engaged up close with the devastating problems poverty, exploitation and marginalisation cause for so many people in Southeast Europe. We set up FSCI as a Bulgarian NGO in 2008 to expand the work and to develop informed and effective responses. I am delighted to be able to lead FSCI Bulgaria and its UK counterpart, House of Opportunity, on the next stage of its journey.
In my earlier career, I held both Chief Executive and Chairman roles at local and national level. I was Chief Executive of Salisbury Healthcare NHS Trust for ten years and the founding Chairman of Healthwork UK. Immediately before leaving public services, I was Chief Executive of a new non-departmental public body responsible for police training across England and Wales which I was charged with setting up as part of the Police Reform Act 2001.
I have led twenty four start-ups and mergers and have substantial experience in professional development, skills and employment.
I studied Modern History at Magdalen College, Oxford. I hold an MSc in Social Policy from the London School of Economics.